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come from and he guessed Germany and Spain and England and every other country but America - and he told me his name was Pierre Gigand and that he was from Orléans which is far from here, the county of Jeanne d'Arc, he said, and began to repeat some poetry about her, which I could'nt understand—  I asked him some more questions and he told me his father was a fisherman, and his mother had been dead two years, of cholera, and that he had two sisters, and when I asked him who made the pot au feu which is what they have to eat, he said, his father did—  I asked him if he went to school and he said yes - 'Chez les Frères' - were they 
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good? "Oh oui, ils ne frappent pas beaucoup - ils savent rire."
He could read and amused himself reading the labels on my things - He is no bigger than Mr. Harry, though he is twelve years old, and has blue eyes and large white teeth, and is very agile and makes me think of a little bird all the time with his little chirping voice and cheerful spirit—    He goes with us nearly every day now, and when he carries the things both ways we give him 2 cents, and when he holds the umbrella besides we give him 3, and he is quite satisfied—    He has six books and what do you think they are - Pretty story books like yours—? No they are an arithmetic a geography a grammar a History of France and some other lesson books I dont remember - but he is