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Madame's pot au feu for supper and with our one candle in the middle of the little table the little attic window opposite with a big star shining throgh [[through]] and just the last tnge [[tinge?]] of sunset in the sky we feel quite like the children of the soil eating our simple meal at the close of a day of toil—  This sweet pea is from Madame's garden—  It is fading out a good deal now, but there are good pears in it—  They get splendid pears too in market and we have them three times a day—
Mr Hoeber knows the Janviers  Met them in New York - He is going home in October—  Lives in New York.
I dont think you write as much to me as you did - not such long letters. It takes less than five minutes to read 'em.
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work—  I have worked that times a day - so to speak morning afternoon and evening, but it is not hurting me—  I have worked and studied for hours over my women and made the least possible improvement - for so much of it is from memory - and calculation and feeling - I can get so little on the spot than I can actually copy afterwards - only suggestions, that this is cooler than that etc. what is darker than something else and all this forces one to observe and to select in the most comprehensive and apprehensive way - that is you must do it up and carry it away with you and must know what you have got—
I can only pray that my mind will be so enlarged that no one thing will crowd out the other  I dont think that even the charm of color and values could ever put out that which character 

Are you all closed in by The Donaldson's?  Never mind

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