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much pain—  To which I can only say that no one but myself can know, how I clung to what I found in him - I know that it was selfish, but I hoped to make up for it—  Of one thing I feel sure that he does not suffer now more than I - And he has, as regards this side of life, a much more hopeful future than I—  All the same I ought to have known before. I ought to have made the sacrifice and taken the risk of losing. Do not think I am not paying for it - that is all—
I am waiting anxiously now to hear what you think about my staying over here a few months longer—  You will easily understand that now I wish to stay as never before—  It would be very painful for me to go home now, and for him too—  He would almost be driven away himself if I did.  Besides I must allow to the weakness of its being safer for both of us—
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Sunday— Sept— 30

Dear Uncle Will—

Your precious small letter came about an hour ago—  Newspaper cuttings are interesting but I would have liked more writing - the few words, however, contained so much - that our minds could hardly hold any more, as we have been in great quandarys and this clears up a good deal—  I will let May speak for herself - She thought at first that it was too much, as was quite natural, but I told her she would have to let you have your way, and we are both so grateful—  I hated to go without her, and had a real pary [[party/parry?]] yesterday when Miss Boyer heard that she could 

Am so glad Belle and Laurie came—  The street must have looked as it did in 1861. This is my last letter from here but I shall send postals—
Shant have time for letters, perhaps, in Italy—

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