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stay but a few months more and would that be worth while? And he said that at the point I have reached now it certainly was worthwhile and that if it was possible I ought to stay.  He does not care a fig whether I go or stay; there was nothing personal in it.    I feel so strongly that now is the time. If I went home I could not do something and send it over in time.  I shall be very anxious to get your letter. I suppose you will send it to Drexel.

Later evening—
The Conants are going tomorrow and we shall only have a few more days without them.  Oh, they are so good and have been such angels to us.   I am sure I must have been meant to do all that I have done up to this time or they would not have been so almost miraculously 

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provided.  Mrs Conant has worked and cared for us like a mother borne with our faults and with our being desirable, more than they to the world at large.   The portrait will be a lasting, I hope, tribute of our gratitude.  And it is of real value as a likeness and as a picture.  Though as the weather changed it is not complete.  Mr Harrison actually said - "You wont touch the head again will you" - but I should like to.  The background is far from being what it night be, but it is a delicate and distinguishable work, they say.

As I write the Conants are coming in and out and talking and Lucy whom I call "l'aimable et joyeuse" is being excruciatingly funny and Mrs Conant produces 15cts for each of us left over from our Summer Capital.  Do you realize that thanks to Mrs Conant we