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staying out-in the dew all night to shoot tigers; an elephant is nothing to him.  He has been here two months and we never saw him except on the road walking and walking
We have known him just a week and are old friends now, as he spends nearly all his time between the Harrison studio and mine. And is never unwelcome - as he is a pré-né chevalier and as engaging a little gentleman as ever walked the earth—   I could write pages about him as he is an extremely interesting and new type, the like of which I never saw before—  As May says he looks younger than he is and is older than his age - That is he looks 20 - is 26 and seems 30—   Mr Harrison said about him yesterday, 'There must be a fluke somewhere" - but he seems perfect.  Is the oldest son of evidently great estates and antiquity—  It is 

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funny that the [[Mr Henlage?]] Laurie knows should be the brother of his great friend   Henlage in India - The World is surely small—

The event of The Season socially for us was a tea party that May and I gave in our kitchen on Thursday night—    While the Conants were here they thought we could'nt have even old Miss Davis and we thought it stretching it to have Miss Bright but at the least hint from us she snapped it up so eagerly and said we had got to have her treat we allowed it—    Next the men heard of it and said they were coming  so after much coaxing and assurance of help from Benj we sent them written invitations even including Radcliffe.  You must know that our kitchen at home is a palace compared to the one here - only this has a picturesque fire .place.  In a small iron dish with bars we do the cooking over a few bits of charcoal.   I've told them that scrambled eggs and fried potatoes was all we could give them but Miss Bright came and made a chicken salad. (If you could have seen me in the chicken house in the morning
with Jeanne and Madame V. picking out 

Transcription Notes:
best guess: pré-né chevalier = pre-born knight