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Judging from what you have written me, his attitude in the affair seems manly & dignified, & raises him in my estimation. I'm sorry for him, - but do not think his life will suffer.

Now as to your plans for next winter. Aunts Eliza & Emily always speak to your Grandmother as if you were only prolonging your stay a few months, & I acquiesce, to them. 

To you my advice is not to fix on any time for your return, nor to refer to the subject of your return in your letters to the family or Etta. Leave all that to be settled by circumstances as the months pass. If there is no change in our family status at 4305, I can see no valid reason for your hurrying home in May or June & leaving the Salon & Exposition unseen or only half seen. And then, with the same "if", would not another summer of art work & association be the most valuable finishing touch you could put onto your foreign study? Then you could come home in time to get settled in a studio for winter work by Novr. 15th, or 30th - This seems to me so entirely "the thing for you to do" from your standpoint, - always with that same "if", of course - that I had it settled in my own mind before I said a word about your letter, (- which no one has seen, & I'm sure you would not object to the extracts I read from it to the family & Etta.) If any reason arises for your returning at any time, a cable message & 10 days will bring you back to us. I don't think you can make any better use of your money, and you need not worry about having none stored up when you return. You will soon begin to accumulate again. 

It seems probable that May will remain