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Friday Oct. 19. 1888

Only time for a line today, to tell you that Belle & Laurie started westward on Wednesday night, specting [[expecting]] to reach Toston on next Tuesday, Octr. 23d. All our beautiful plans for B. staying months with us & getting herself all weller & stronger than ever before, have evaporated & vanished. But she is a good deal better than when she arrived here, & knows more too, about taking care of herself, & strengthening herself. All their talk is of spending the winter in Portland, so that B. will not have to endure the hard weather in Toston. Very fortunately Laurie's affairs are looking up a little, & it seems likely they will be more independent as to their movements & somewhat more 'flush' as to available chink. At all events they are going back to the West in much better spirits about themselves & their prospects.

Transcription Notes:
Toston - town in Montana