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the dungeons - and all the horrible places.
This afternoon in a luxurious gondola - we floated all the length of the Grand Canal and back - about two hours and half - opal waters and pearly palaces; under the Rialto.  What delicate color—  Most of them are Hotels now, and have big signs accross their elegant facades—    We have perfectly fair weather.  May and I are getting fastidious; we wont have anything short of perfection—

Almost every one in the house is German except ourselves and our English friends who speak it with ease to the others. Two Saxon officers and several brides and grooms.   These officers are not in uniform but those you see in the streets are too stunning for anything, big grey cloaks, or else the most dainty tight fitting black, with broad orange or red stripe down the trousers and little jacket trimmed with black Astracan - and braid.

English gentleman plays beautifully 

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I had to stop writing last night to listen to him.  Their name is Powell

There is a sort of head waiter or major domo - named 'Antonio' who takes a fatherly interest in us  And the other evening at dinner when I helped myself very lightly to a certain dish, he whispered in his charming English, "Not any more meat is coming—"

I did'nt tell you that Miss Haistes is here at another Hotel sick —— 
And they have a little nephew down with Typhoid fever - had to send - cable - for his parents - but they have all been here two months being ill themselves and nursing—  
Miss Haistes' is not fever but the result of imprudence—  We went to see them the morning after we got here and had a jolly reunion.  So Venice is quite folksy for us—

Sunday morning—  Another beautiful soft bright day; we are having perfect weather—  We spent all