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Was she ever arrested for not paying for some marketing? or did a fellow named Joseph fall on her neck & kiss her? Let us know the true inwardness of the name. If she is to be your butty next winter, & pardner in your studio, you must introduce us. Is it on her recommendation that you move over the river into the Luxembourg quarter? Perhaps you will feed in some Quartier Latin restaurants - perhaps go to students balls! How will the Austins like your proximity, - especially 'his majesty myself' Cecil? However, you are not there yet, - & I'm doubtful if you go judging by your other announced moves that never happened. Whose studios will you be near over there? 
That reminds me that Clements is to have a class at Emma's studio (The Logan Studio) this winter, for girls not far enough on for Sartain. Emma told us this, & also that Clements had been very sick. So Aunt Eliza went over to 1010 Spruce, - found they moved to 903 Clinton. - & had a very pleasant visit. Gab. is much better, & Aunt Eliza said she never saw her look so pretty. Fancy spending an hour with the Clementses, & never asking one thing about Ellen Hale, nor hearing where she spent the summer, nor anything at all! I could scarcely believe it, but it was so; & I was really quite vexed to find that, after all your Gloucester life, Aunty E. should drop her so entirely from interest & memory.