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Its a dream of delirious joy - A band is playing somewhere and it sounds as if it came from a lovely Place we found this afternoon - over looking the valley - The streets are full of people and there are lots of soldiers and officers—  There are no side walks nor door steps - The streets are paved straight across with flat slabs and slope a little down in the middle.  It is bright moonlight, we can see it from one window on Dome and Campanile and mountain  And if we dared we would go out and take a walk - but the streets are so dark down in the bottom and so crooked we are afraid - Dont you wish you could take one of us on each arm and walk us out to where that band is?

Today in the tram I counted up what our expenses have been up to this time and we have spent for both - $176. which includes our whole ticket of course back to Paris - and every expense down to porters bus and omnibus fares - for living etc up to today - also includes 

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Grand Hotel Continental—
Siena—  Nov 15, 89

I have lighted both the candles, in this big room and put them in front of the little mirror on our second dressing table and so we have four, and I can see to write because the Salle de Lecture is so very Manny that we dont venture in—  This Hotel is a Palazzo - and I have been measuring our room with an umbrella to tell you its size - It's 34 ft long and wide & high in proportion and our beautiful big window looks out on  Oh, what a prospect—  May is going to take a photo of it tomorrow and you shall have a proof—  It is a little like the view from the rock at upper schism only instead of "Eagle Rock" on the left is the splendid Duomo rising up and on the right [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] a big sort of Castle, and instead of trees and rocks below and around us are the tiled roofs of houses - And we can see glimpses of the dark narrow streets between - and across fruitful valleys are high mount=                                 

I look very nice in my brown plaid Maxwell dress brown hat and little light brown jacket I got in Paris last spring for $4.50 brown straw hat and gloves all the color of my alligator bags which of course goes every where. Shant get my letters until Avignon 
Your Leilie—

Transcription Notes:
One of the words looks like "manny", but that does seem to have any meaning (unless she jokingly means that a lot of men sit in there), so I wonder if the writing is unclear and another word should be transcribed there. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-26 23:42:45