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[[monté a ?]] our dinner - It was'nt as good as the restaurant and cost more 50 cts apiece - and Jean cheerfully climbed 450 stairs to serve it to us—
F. Esté has just come up - this is their evening and they want us to come down— 
My studio is a funny little thing on the ground floor - has a sky-light and two long little windows under the eaves below the sky-light.  It faces east but they dont seem to pay any attention here to the way they face studios and as there are very high buildings all around and there is never very much sunshine, especially in the mornings here, I dont think it will bother me much.  I consulted M.L.B.B. and M Lasar about it - before deciding.   The affiche had only been put out the morning I saw it.  The artist who had it has suddenly been called to be a professor in some town in France and gives it up suddenly.  Said he would not be leaving except for this - and was perfectly satisfied with it light and all - I have 

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also rented from him a go up and down easel - a stove - a large table 3 small chairs and a divan - so I shant have to buy anything - Consulted also about this [[strikethrough]] as [[/strikethrough]] Mary Smithe and M.L S.B.B. and they said I would spend more buying things - I pay him $4.80 a month - for the furniture and $45 for the studio for 6 months 
I have to pay in advance 3 months but if I give warning before the 1st of Jan I can give up the studio the first of April.  Any how even if I were to leave any time it is about as little as I could pay—  We hope our living expenses will amount to about $6 a week—   We make our own daily breakfast and possibly May the noon dejeuner [[déjeuner]] too at the studio—   May will work in the studio - of course she dont pay for it - and I hope will do most of the lunch arrangements etc to help—  She is both very practical and very impractical - I expect 

Transcription Notes:
I'm fairly certain pages 39 & 40 are missing the same difficult word, both having to do with food (milk & dinner). If you can figure out this word, see if it fits on the other page. --->Answer: Could it be "monté a"? It seems that on both pages Beaux is trying to say "brought up the..."