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209 So. 3d St.
Philada 23d Novr. '88

I started this heading for another letter, but was stopped,- & have only a moment to send you girls a greeting. We have our first real cold snap, - therm. 20[[degrees]] this month, at our window, & furnace fire lighted for the first time, & thick gloves & overcoats hauled out of their hiding places. The next event is Thanksgiving dinner for all Drinkerdom minus Drinkerpere. "We" had decided not to have them, because of too much trouble & excitement for Grandma,- but there came an exceeding bitter cry from Bones when we told her, & finally "they" gave in & left me out of the decision, because I was set agin it.

B. is stranded again at Toston, but only for a little. They will go to Portland for the winter.
Love to May