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[[left side]]
birthday and Christmas and is one of Braun's—  
Of course she has seen the Monna [[Mona]] Lisa many times before, and perhaps wont like her very much at first—  But she must frame her and hang her in the parlor   And she is so tremendously well-bred and distinguished that she will have an educating effect on not only the family but all the visitors and give the Drinkers a standing in the neighborhood.    If you could see all the great Leonardo's work you would like her with less coaxing and would understand her more easily—   She has the effect of making almost any other portrait look weak and shallow—
She is not a saintly woman but she could never lose her dignity - and could paint ever so quietly convey more expression than she has—
I think it might have a big oak

[[right side]]
To be read by Aunt Emily alone before xmas

Dec. 9.. 30 rue Vaugirard

[[underlined]]Give Uncle Will the enclosed envelope[[/underlined]]

Merry Christmas, my beloveds, Greeting from the small stove-side in the Attic chamber in rue Vaugirard to the wide demensions [[dimensions]] and bounteous warmth of the dining-room and fire of 4305-4101   
I should have liked to send this by the Saturday steamer so that if it would just reach you on Christmas morning before you open my box and my little bundles — but I am afraid it just would'nt  so send it a little before the time—    Four things should arrive - a box - a roll for Uncle Will a parcel for the boys, and a roll for Etta—    Rolled up inside of your present, Aunt Emily, in the box is a small sachel - on which I want you to pin the enclosed paper and have it given to