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Constance's holly—  Miss Webster and Miss Boyer also there from my door - beaming—  The table was bright and pretty - with my flowers - a big dish of oranges graced with spigs [[sprigs]] of green - a bit of holly at each plate - a bright fire - and lots of good coffee and rolls and butter and jam - to say nothing of all Florence's fun—  Miss Van Trump was also there and brought along with two rosy cheeks a little tiny parcel for each of us - a japanese bit of a toy bug with a roll of paper under his wings with "Merry Christmas" was mine - May's was an awfuly cunning robin - Miss Webster's a mouse - etc.
Then when it was over - Oh I forgot to say that just as we were going into The [[Saté/Satí?]] - Jean brought us a big mail - as usual the people I did'nt send to sent to me - Mary Redfield for one—  I also got the unfortunate much travelled [[pa--?]]

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30 rue Vaugirard—

And it has'nt been such a very bad one after all, dear Grandma, though it had two disappointments first that my Christmas box from home did not come And second that our nice dinner party at the Bush-Brown's did not come off owing to the illness of the youngest baby - (well now, however.)  It is only postponed and perhaps my middle finger nail will be grown again—  (fires of course) and I may have something prettier to wear - but our hair washed for the occasion will be less fluffy—    May and I did'nt hang up our stockings but had hard work not to give each other our presents last evening while we were sitting waiting for one mail which brought us a box