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pose) say something that morning about me that is about my work that would make all the other girls turn simply green, simply green with envy, but no coaxing would get it out of him, and I dont know now what it was. You see I tell you all the little encouragement I get but it is'nt much after all.

If I succeed with my two heads picture it will be the opening of a new era for me that of working from pochades for layer simple outdoor effects. I can see that the strongest part of what gift I have it my memory of impressions- dear knows I have little enough of any other kind - and a kind of power for comparing up objects in my brain and painting from them with a certain amount of realism - but after all I have a weak [[?]] grip - and it is so hard for a [[underlined]]woman[[/underlined]] to [[underlined]]work[[/underlined]] with systems and

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science and calm good sense and infuse into it all the spirit and feeling - dignity and unity that place it on a high level - and it is such a mistake to think that the ideal of French art is anything less than this. They adore all this but there are only few of them that can attain into it - but they are so clever that there are many who by smartness hard work and ambition take the second best places and get lots of honour done them but you'll never find them in the few first places or getting the highest honors done them. These are never given to works of low instruction or questionable dignity.

Mr. Lasart is formed in the modern school - and wont have anything but truth - that is he wont have a [[underlined]]pretense[[/underlined]] of truth - born of blindness laziness and conceit - neither will he have it [[underlined]]all[[/underlined]] root and branch but the [[?]] he accepts as good enough. You must got the essence the