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I missed it instantly, maybe I didn't of course hear its drop, and we turned right back and searched and inquired but the street was full of people, beggars and all, and of course it was hopeless. If it had only been May's instead of mine as hers only had 20 francs in it. Well I won't think about it any more, but I won't carry as much money as that again, if I can help it. I always carry my purse in my hand as I never feel happy when its in my pocket but I won't try to carry three again. I wanted to go to church so much too, and of course it was too late after we were done hunting, so we came back here and had to light one fire twice before we could make it go. We were going to take lunch on the other side, and Mrs. Greene had asked us to come there at four to take tea with her. We shall do that any how - and I have one consolation. That I was not warmly enough dressed, and should probably have taken cold if I had not come home. We are going to lunch on [[?]], bread and butter, and oranges - in one room. What a splendid letter I did get on Friday evening. It was a treat and I am so thankful you got all my things in time. Most of all that you liked the supper at [[?]]. Of course one could not do it that way with out having the religious feeling as well as the appreciation of the artistic beauty of the story and scene. I did not expect you to like the head of Christ, in the photograph, because it is very hard there, and I like my last copy much better as it is more tender. I don't think there ever was a more beautiful scene nor one which gave a greater and at the same time a more possible opportunity.