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[[left side]]
conclusion, no joke about it.  I was making some guesses in discussion with Mr Harrison and Philip Hale [[?]] (he was on the opposite side) "Yes, its the third sinew in the left leg of the turkey - that I had at dinner"—  We did'nt quite see the New Year in - but I dont think I ever had a better time—

Then on Friday evening we went down to the Este's and there were a good many people there and it was particularly jolly—  Mr Harrison is always very nice to me when we meet, but he has'nt been to see me yet at my studio so you need'nt be afraid of our becoming too intimate—  I [[anguished?]] to have said he reminded me of Louis Brinckerhoff because he really is'nt an atom like him—  It is'nt his mouth smiling that looks like L.B but only something around the corners of his eyes - there is something sensual or originally corrupt in him  His mouth is fine and delicate both in expression and shape—  It is his mind that is poisoned and even that dont seem to prevent his beautiful side which really is lovely, from being so—

[[right side]]
To see Mrs Conant and the women and to ask Mr Harrison's advice about cutting the women down, and as I hav'nt got either of them yet to the studio - (hav'nt seen Mr Julian) I am not ready to send the things home - I'll send them for a Spring Exhibit at the Art Club—  Imagine my surprise to see John Stewardson the other day, and he offered to take any thing home for me I wanted - And I had nothing but that Rubens portrait which he is going to take to uncle Will's office - I copied it in the Louvre last Spring - It is'nt a great portrait—  His brother Ned is in Rome now.    I have got a pretty good start with my portrait - Louise comes and sits most faithfully—

I have abolished the horrid Choubersky and have got a darling 5 frc stove which heats the studio beautifully, and dont choke us with gas—  As yet I find that between the background etc