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There are to be over 1200 portraits and Worth is getting up the costumes which are all composed with perfect chronological as well as artistic correctness—  It seems the most astonishing thing for Stevens to be doing—  He is an awfully "used up" old fellow - but they say this is renewing his youth—  
Oh while I remember it, please have some more cards struck off for me as soon as possible I am getting low again—
What a pity about Georgie and how could she have talked so much about it - I have wondered at this from the first—  Anyway since he was not on the spot no one need have known but Etta—  And it would have been so much easier for her to bear it.  I suppose Etta and she will be more devoted to each other than ever if her health only dont suffer—  And the children will be a sort of help to her.

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Philip Hale & Amsden and Bishop—  
Every one seems to know about the portrait. It was no use keeping it a secret.  Mr Lasar came also but too early and I was out - more's the pity.  Though I dont feel quite ready to have him see the portrait yet—   He has been painting Mary Scotter full length- half size—  She has a lovely studio and has been doing a candle-light effect which he says is "fine"—
I am in such a quandary about what to do about a "cours" I want to begin soon to go for half a day and would'nt go a step to Julian's if I was'nt afraid not to—  I mean afraid in regard to my picture in the Salon - and getting it in—
Cara Haynes, a friend of Mays was here this afternoon and made me feel less than ever like going there. She says it is horrid at the rue de Berri - such bad work - and she hates