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We have not seen the Austins for a week—  And thought maybe they would come up this evening—  We did not go to church today—  May was not able to go and it is such an immense journey - I did not like to have her to take care of herself - and the morning was over before I had finished my chores—  Got one break - washed up and made two fires. But I did'nt get up until nearly nine and it was only just really light then—
I'm all right now but last week I had a kind of bilious turn - could'nt get throgh [[through]] January with out having something  And as my symptoms were a little different from usual I went to Dr. Lesley's friend Dr Hobart who is now on our way "accross"— Sailed yesterday—  She said my liver was a little torpid and gave me calomel—  Which it took me a whole day nearly to take and then prescribed a Seidlitz Powder to be

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