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women wear immense bustles and skirts half way up to their knees- of course we don't see the nice ones- I rode on top of an [[?]] car yesterday for the first time- Madame told us at dinner that a 'femme elégante' would never do this- but it is the best way to see things and when it is not too cold much nicer than inside though you have to climb up a winding ladder to get up there- 
Tell my darling boys that I am delighted with their letters and send them my dearest love - I hope they sometimes miss me- I have been asking people for stamps for Harry, and send all I can get- lies/his[[?]] Greene's little grandson (Harry will know whom I mean) is well now and I saw him- but he had to lie in bed in a box without moving for three years! He is a nice little boy about as big as Harry and has the same rosy cheeks and brown hair- I wanted to hug him for Harry's sake but- he ran away.

Transcription Notes:
The type of car could be "havre" in connection with the port city in France.