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Thursday Eve. Feb 7 14th 89

My Dear Leilie- Prepare to howl! And to execute a war dance! Our house has been robbed! It must have been done while we were at tea. The thief must have climbed the side piazza, by the evergreen - entering Aunt Emily's window. We knew nothing of it until Aunt E. went up to attend to Grandma going to bed.- The first thing she missed was her lovely watch from it's case. She had the presence of mind to say nothing but went into an examination of her top drawer - finding one jewel case after another empty. Then she went into Mother's room - found my watch and chain gone. Then without a word or sign to alarm Grandma, she went to the money drawer - and lo! it was swept clean. Then she skipped down stairs and called out Uncle W. who was playing backgammon with me. They went and told Emma and searched the house. I knew nothing of it- Uncle W. came back and finished the game. They thought they would not tell me until the next morning, but finally did tell me because I should be sure to miss my watch. You may be sure we had an active time that evening. - There is no use in expecting to get any of the things again, though Uncle W. has tried for Aunt E.'s watch.  We have kept this so far from Grandma and when you write you can take a separate paper marked private, for your observations. The items missing are Aunt E's small bracelets - her