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[[left page; text cont. from pg. 36]]

long dark flights of stairs with only a small flaming lamp on the top step to light us - into a vast atelier, where the men were fixing the gas-lights not yet lighted—  We did'nt get started until half past seven. Had a darling little Italian boy for a model. The most graceful, charming intelligent creature, with enormous dark eyes the brow of Appollo when you could get a glympse of it under his shock of black hair—  He entertained us with acrobatic performances during the rests—
We shall probably only have Dagnan once - they say - but must be thankful for that—

[[right page]]

Sunday. Feb. 17—  
[[archival note:]] 1889
20 rue Vaugirard—

Dear "old folks at home"—

I address this letter to you my Aunt Emily because you are always calling yourself "old folks"—    We have just done up our chores. And settled down to write—.  I have semi-dusted the room and cleared up - And I always try to wash the Sauce-pan a little cleaner on Sunday morning—  Today I also dusted out the closet shelves - And threw away numerous drying up things—  I dont make so many fires now as I have Amélie at the 

Transcription Notes:
address should be: 20 rue Vaugiraud