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horrified when he put them on at Concarneau—  He is a good fellow and clever enough to be forgiven some roughness or rather Commonness—  He is about as common as George Van Dusen or Buddy McCorlin or any of those Burnham "boys" but far more clever than any of them - Not at all too common to be spoken to—  Why were you so 'teasy' as not to tell me whom Hermann Hessenbruch saw instead of me at Melle's?  Perhaps it was that Mrs Crowell - Did I ever tell you about her?  He might have known her. She was a good-looking good-natured and amusing woman who was there with her son - a small boy - I never really talked with her, but 

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Courtois came on Thursday evening - went through the room in about 15 minutes, says only about one word to each girl, but is very much to the point at least he hit the nail on the head with me - I had made a horrid drawing.  I knew it was common and clumsy and fussy  He told me it was too much "tortilliée" that I must study the main lines more carefully and be more "simple". They never mention this word at Julien's, and I need it especially —— Courtois is a big man with a blonde beard and looks like a German and a man of power. He was as mild as a lamb the other night but they 

Transcription Notes:
Académie Julien was a private art school in Paris.