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young ladies come in and get a half litre of milk or a quarter of a pound of butter or 5 sous worth of bread. It has been a lovely though windy day. And yesterday was so warm that all the leaves hopped out, and were ready for Easter today.   This morning we went to Notre Dame and saw the lovely old arch-bishop again and heard heavenly music—   We were late and did not get seats but stood up behind the Estés up in the gallery where we could look down on the chancel and altar - and see most of the service—

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The processional was the most impressive part as then they sang the old Easter hymn—   The Arch Bishop [[Archbishop]] who is a tall feeble saintly old man fairly weighted down with lace & gold embroidered robes and mitre and holding his heavy gold shepherds crook - walked all around the great church followed by a long train of priests  one little white boy holding up his purple train—  He holds up his hands blessing the people from time to time and all the time the organ is rolling - and the whole great choir singing verse after verse