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[[text continued from page 37]
stunning portrait of her mother
Her work is not distinguished a bit but I would give a good deal to have the freedom frankness and vigor of color and painting that she has—
Next time —— It is always that - and when shall I get it all—

This morning I asked my next door neighbor a quiet little unsuccessful man who has a little den next me and who has rendered me several small services - to come in and see the picture - and he said "je vous fais mes compliments Madmoiselle [[Mademoiselle]] et pas comme banalité - vous etes tres sérieuse—  Vous travaillez comme un homme"—

Mr Bush-Brown has just been in—  If it is clear this [[text continues on page 38]]

My sister—  
Jamie wrote me such a sweet note the other day I really had to write him a "letter all to himself" and will send one to Harry next time—  I am waiting here now for Chabod to come and take my picture out into a cold and cruel world—  It is done all I can do to it now and I shant be surprised after all if they reject it because it is only "pas mal"—  And when you think of the countless throng of pretty good ones - there is'nt much chance unless one is greatly favored - which I am not, having no special Professor to back me up—  Julian