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will say a good word for me but they say there is going to be a great stand made against the Julian crowd, and he will have a lot of others to fight for—  

On Tuesday a lot of people came - principally women   The Hoopers came Mrs Hooper and Nettie, to my intense surprise—  I suppose they were in the neighborhood - Mrs Hooper is a great fat thing and a character—  I would'nt like to have her enmity—  She complimented me on "my charming portrait"  She adored Cabanel and now adores Lefebvre and has lots of stories to tell about all of them and their works—  Mr Lasar came but I could'nt get him to criticize the portrait except to say that the background was "too hot"—

The Kinsella crowd came and think it is "lovely" but they are full of Irish politeness—  Mr Hyde was rather condescending and sniffy—  
Several cours girls came who were sufficiently enthusiastic and a Mrs Stack a long English woman our Massière at Colorossi's [[Colarossi's]]—

Yesterday May and I went to Miss Klumpke's to see her work - and had such a nice time—  She could'nt finish her big picture which she intended for the Salon but has in three weeks done a [[text continues on page 36]]

Transcription Notes:
* Alexandre Cabanel - french painter * Massière = Studio Head * Académie Colarossi - she's been spelling incorrectly throughout her letters