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The Studio—
Thursday—  March 21—

Dear Grandma—

I've just been taking a snooze on the Divan and May has been painting herself and is now washing her brushes - and we are soon going to refresh ourselves with a cup of tea—

We have just found out that the bushes in our court are lilacs and the trees cherry and as they are all straggly wont they be lovely in blossom? with an old yellow wall behind them—

I have been going to the Passage for three days now and am squeezed in among the 90— Mlle Amelie is a wonder—  She goes from one to the other 

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stacks of them—  They have got to N now having begun at K so my next ought to have "the news" it in - I shall know my fate sooner than I expected—

I shant feel dreadfully if it is "run out" and you must'nt as it is very likely to be—

I forgot to tell you that May and I almost always go to Cagnards now  a little restaurant up in this quarter much frequented by students—  Miss Trotter generally dines with us there and Colorossi's is close by - in the rue de la Grande Chaumière. Cagnards is in the rue Bréa if you want to look it out—  We often see "the boys" we know there and last night for the first time Mr Harrison came in and came over and shook hands