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and began to be ill on Monday—  I have not seen her - and they wont let any one do a thing for them—  They would'nt send for a doctor at least Florence would'nt let her mother send for one on Monday and on Tuesday morning Mrs Esté came up to our room in great distress to ask us what doctor Aunt Sarah had—  It was very early 7 AM - and I was getting ready to go to Julians - Florence had been in perfect agony all night

I went next door and routed out the Dabney's Websters and Boyer's for doctors addresses and then May and I took a cab by the hour and went for them—  We got the second to come - or rather he sent his assistant - who said he had never seen but one case like it before and did'nt know whether it was scarlatina erysipelas or blood-poisoning—  They both came in the afternoon and Dr Warren said it was blood-poisoning from fish—  She was in a bad state and he told them to send for him again if she could'nt sleep - and gave her morphine—  She was a little better so they did'nt send - but she had an awful night - and when I went in in the morning Mrs Esté was in despair—  She would'nt have a nurse, nor let any one do any thing - and as she is not strong, I suppose she will be ill next—  Florence is however getting over it - but I was really frightened - as she seemed 

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