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Thought I would go to headquarters myself and find out without further fuss—  And it was with the courage of despair that I went alone as I was sure I had been refused—  And I thought I would rather be alone and have the long walk home to digest the calamity in 
It is a beautiful brilliant day and crowds of people are in the streets - I rode in an omnibus up the Champ Elysées where the fateful Palais d'Industrie looms up—  I had no idea how to get in nor what to do but I went to the first small door and the official sent me to the other at the other end of the huge building and there  there was a place for an official but he wasnt in it and I stood 

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about for a minute or two feeling queer - but I aw a sign at the foot of some stairs "Administration de l'Exposition des Beaux Arts à l'entresol"—  
So I went up and there were doors but no signs - and I actually pushed one of them open - not knowing what august assembly I might be intruding on - and found myself in a small office lighted by gas - no one in it - a big room beyond with a long table in it  a voices somewhere.  I waited a minute in some trepidation when a man appeared who did'nt seem surprised to see me - and he took me along an entry & shoved me into another room where about six men were writing, and