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will they do—    May is intensely interested in her Cours but did'nt go today on account of the cold—  I seem to be the strongest of the lot of us but am afraid to boast—  My correction today from Fleury was not very interesting—  Praised it but said it needed more nerve and accent and that I could and would do it   He is always talking about my future—      my composition was the best, but he would'nt say much about it because I had'nt taken the right moment - I had Pharaohs daughter receiving The Child; he wanted Moses in the Nile - Mother and sister etc—  My "Supper at Emmaus" is hung up in a conspicuous   

tiny red spark of insence burning over a mysterious altar full of glimmering gold and images - yesterday there was a special ceremony of Kissing the Crucifix. In a little Side Chapel full of Candles incense and flowers was a figure of the dead body of Christ which looked terribly real—  On a low table in front was laid a large bronze crucifix beside which was a large silver platter full of money - a little boy in a white stole sat beside it—  The people streamed up one by one and kissed the the [[sic]] feet, hands, and head of the Saviour - put some money in the platter and passed on—  The little boy wiping the whol [[whole]] thing off