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whom we raved—  He was perfectly magnificent and looked much handsomer than any of the men in the greek play—  White and yellow in general effect - yellow velvet ribbon with ends behind tied around his nice curls—  He is a lovely fellow and was awfully proud of us—  We met the Conants in the dressing-room as arranged and all went in together—  In an instant three or four men were introduced to us by Mr A— and were writing their names on our cards—  It was an awfully recherché affair though got up by students only nice people - mostly 

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English and the rooms looked lovely like a private house—  Can you imagine me tearing over that polished floor with a dancer like Amsden.  Its a dream of d.j. to dance with him but some of the other men - danced awfully - and one of them walked the beads off my lovely slippers  I danced with one Dutchman who for whirling round like a top with perfect smoothness was a marvel—  He was very nice and I might have known he was a swell from the way he spoke English - French the same way—  He turned out afterwards to be the cousin of the queen of