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[[left side]]
also dark beauty  but while picture - the one of I think a Boston girl - stunning—
Cant enumerate more now—
We stayed to lunch and did'nt leave until six     Are going tomorrow afternoon with the Estés to spend the afternoon  dine and stay to see the illuminations in the evening and hear the bands play—
Just got Uncle Wills note about Studio - am torn between them - would choose the Walnut St one in a minute if it was'nt for the elevator as it would be so delicious to have the light made as I want it—

[[right side]]
and blue sky - everything basking in exquisite spring sunshine—    Workmen and building going on every where - how it carried me back to ours especially when we passed the chinese pavilion and I smell Pina—    Hardly any of the exhibits are really ready - but of course we made for the Gallerie des Beaux Arts not however expecting much - but when we went in immediately felt the shock of pleasure which an exhibition of Masterpieces absolutely without student work - gives one—  
The American is not opened yet and not the choicest