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just as lief I had been bound in Calf—
Today we are going to luncheon in Mr Middletons rooms in Kings or Trinity, which is it, I cant remember. Then he is going to take us to see King's Chapel. After that we are going to a garden party, then home to dress for dinner.
Yesterday morning Mr Darwin took me all about into and among the college buildings and chapels—  Oh, it is so lovely. And so stately.
Friday — morning waiting for my breakfast to be brought me by the noiseless white-capped maiden
I had to go yesterday and could'nt continue my descrip. I'll bring home photos and that will tell

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23. May— [[archival note:]] 89
Newnham Grange—

If I dont begin another letter by May I'll never catch up. The three letters came yesterday all right. Also the Braun photo which is lovely and 
I have presorted it - and its been appreciated—
The heat here at present is "maost extrawnry" - and it's hard for me to know what to do about my clothes  
It is just beautiful June weather when one looks and feels right in foulard silks and delicate ginghams or sateens and big hats—
We have our breakfasts French fashion in our rooms