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Organ Recitals, Easter Term, 1889.
Thursday, May 23rd.
Dr. C. W. Pearce will play the following Selection at 3 p.m.
1. Choral Song and Fugue ... ... S. S. Wesley.
2. Adagio Cantabile ... ... ... ... E. F. Hopkins.
3. Organ Sonata (No. 2)... ... ... C. W. Pearce.
On the Plain Song of an Alleluia in the Gradual for the Feast of S. Agnes
(1) Exposition. (2) Intermezzo. (3) Finale.
4 (a) Meditation for all Saints’ Day... C. W. Pearce.
“How quiet show the woodland scene!
Each flower and tree, its duty done,
Reposing in decay serene,
Like weary men, when age is won.” —Keble.
(b) Andante (from Organ Sonata)... ... G. A. Macfarre.
5. Allegro Assai in C major... ... ... Henry Smart.
6. Study on the Cambridge Chimes ... G.F. Cobb.
7. Postlude for Easter ... ... ... C. W. Pearce.
On the Ancient Sarum Plain Song.
“Ad cœnam Agni providi,
Et stolis albis candidi,
Post transistum Maris Rubri,
Christo canamus Principi.”
FRIDAY, May 31st.
Mr. F. O. Carr will play the following Selection at 3 p.m.
1. Overture in C (Op. 95)... ... ... ... Mendelssohn.
2.{(a) Melody in A minor ... ... ... ... Salomè.
  {(b) Andante in F ... ... ... ... ... Lemaigre.
3. Sonata, No. 9 in C minor ... ... ... Merkel.
(1) Allegro. (2) Andante. (3) Allegro.
4. Pastorale in F ... ... ... ... ... Kullak.
5. Symphony, No. 5 ... ... ... ... Wildor.
(1) Allegro vivace. (2) Allegro cantabile. (3) Toccata.
The seats east of the steps will be reserved ( until the conclusion of the first piece) for MEMBERS OF THE SENATE and their friends.
Visitors are particularly requested to abstain from talking, and not to move or or from their seats whilst the Organ is being played, but to wait for the interval between pieces.
The remaining Recitals this Term will be given on June 5 (Mr. Alan Gray), +8 (Mr. G. F. Cobb), +13 (Professor Stanford).
+ On these two occasions, owing to the number of visitors in Cambridge, only members of the University and their friends can be admitted.