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Sunday morning, arose, after being shaken about all night, as an egg would be in a beater. Took a bath; at eight, breakfast; there were only three at our table, Barcley - Royce - the Captain, and yours truly. I enjoyed breakfast it was fun to follow the oatmeal dish around the room. Regular game of tag only [[strikethrough]] the o [[/strikethrough]] I was "it" all the time. My but it was rough. I took twelve pictures with my little pocket Kodak, three were of the rough seas ahead, two astern and the rest odd bits on deck. At eleven we passed a German Loyd boat going like chain lightning one minute she would rise on a wave the next time she rose in sight she seemed to have gone half a mile. Powerful grand sight. At this time mind you it was blowing so hard that our boat only just held her own, but this gigantic liner Deutchland simply races into the wind. At three in the afternoon we passed a bark working badly in a heavy sea. She had only two square sails set. I must say

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