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Whitehall. Now used as a Museum of Arms from all over the world. Splendid models of men-of-war [[strikethrough]] dating as far back as 1504. Great collection. After lunch I walked around Westminster Abbey and the houses of Parliament. Happy every moment, and suspect I was smiling all the time as an idiot naturally would. That smile grew to a yellow kids grin when suddenly I chanced on the Thames. It made me simply yearn for a paint box. Bridges, boats, wharves, water, and sky all enveloped in a most delicate mist. Different colored smoke against the blue sky, I only hope there will be another afternoon like it. I walked for an hour along this interesting river and then started for the Hotel. My feet seemed as heavy as lead when I [strikethrough] wished [strikethrough] reached [strikethrough] house the [strikethrough] my room. I had a great day. 

Just received an unfinished letter from you, but interestingly completed by your [strikethrough] subitute [strikethrough] substitute. I hope you had a pleasant drive. Glad father was feeling young [strikethrough] enough! to attempt such a hard journey. Get Harry to wash Bill. Give him plenty to eat. My love to you all and regards to friends. Shall write soon again. 

Yours truly,

[signature] Wiliam C. Loring. 

Transcription Notes:
The pages are right side of the page first.