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I hope to show it to Sargent. perhaps to Footh. If I cannot sell it - why I'll send it home because I am positive it can be sold there. 

My work at the gallery is coming along slowly. I find Rapheal is not a man to copy in a hurry, but in the next two weeks I hope to complete it. 

The Signora's daughters concert was a swell affair. Many Italians were present. A Gorshi played the violin in a good old fashioned way. He was so much in love with his own playing that he swung about until I thought he'd topple over, a contratto sung but not as Louise would. 

Signioria Pinto played some of Bach, Chopin and Brahms in a bold, dashing style, but with very little expresson. Miss Prichard has kindly reminded me of the Xmas dinner