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painted out a marble slab, put
in a large vase and lightened
parts.  here and there.  He is the greatest
painter living. Try to think of the
great works I have seen these last
months, and then add to this
list the Velasque's of the Spanish
show here, thirty-nine in all.  Often
I go there, and I fully believe that
such exhibits are the best kind of
[[strikeout]]t [[stikeout]] instruction.  Mr. F has been one
of the chiefs of this exhibit.
Monday noon at Mr. Fs club I
met Billy Appelton the head of 
the publishing house here and in
New York.  In the afternoon met him 
again at tea here.  He has pleasing
manners, long legs, but little business
ability.  His brother is coming over
directly. - Tuesday morning
spent at the Spanish show. At
noon took lunch with Mr. F at his 
club.  Earl Lytton grandson of the

Transcription Notes:
He spells Velazquez's, Velasque's. Appelton is most likely Appleton publishing house.