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of the novelist was there.  Saw 
Faust Monday night.  Go to hear
Kubiliek this after noon, and on
Friday Mr. F is going to give a
dinner.  The Tribunes art critic is to be present, and, another prominent 
writer of novels Hulett.  Have met
him already.  Saw Ms. Chamberlain 
at a tea yesterday she has just
returned from Normandy - All her
people are well.  Mr. F is working
to hard.  Such is life.  I have
not received a line from you for
over a week.  What is happening?
Is Hamer still going over the evening
beat?  Think they'd better form a 
trust. and save car fares.  How 
is Helen, and Bess?  Let me
hear from , and about them.  Shall
leave for Paris Saturday morning
Yours dear boy Bob, from his
letters, I judge is having a rattling
time. Much love and best wishes