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Sep 4 or 9 '01
My dear Parents, --
Robert arrived Monday evening.  He did not know me.  He was loaded down with bundles, is brown, stout and well.  If my moustaches had been less pointed I should have kissed him.  We [[cartoon sketch inserted here with text at bottom "He didn't know me in the station."]] are both happy.  Bob never shows his feelings, but I have made up for that.  He is settled in my home like studio which he admires, and thinks is sanitary. He sleeps downstairs, snores now and again [[.]] I reside in the attic, or balcony. My studio is light all night, now the moon is up.  By the bye he has examined my moustache [[second cartoon sketch inserted here: hand holding magnifying glass inspecting moustache]] Which he finds - Wish you'd write asking him to take a little more pains in his dress and to keep his nails clean.
It is fine to have him here.  To be able to talk - and plague him mornings nearly to death is a great pleasure.  We have seen nearly all of Paris in the first week of his stay.  He is a rusher.  He seems to desire all the time to be on the move. Going next to London. I am painting his portrait shall send it home to you. We have selected a picture for Homer it is large and suitable - Robert is fussy.  He is an old maid.  Generally finds that the wine or food is out of gear. Please tell him to keep the spots off his clothes - At times I am really ashamed of his shabby appearance.
Tuesday afternoon we met at the Louvre Miss Wells - Mr. Shepard's cousin - and later the Richmond Williams.  They were leaving the next day for home. Bob is shy - a timid creature. I had to entertain the young Miss Wells while Bob looked on from the background.
Bob knows a good deal about pictures he has seen my work has said little about it

Transcription Notes:
- Noted the second cartoon at the bottom of the page before the end, as some text wraps around this image. - Confused by the phrase "plague him mornings" Could this be plague his mornings? Or plague him in the mornings?