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My dear Mother, Sisters, Father and Brothers - 
I am  to dine with Madame Leque and Daniels will be there, not counting three  English girls. Xmas here is mighty dull for the French celebrate the New Year and it is well for it is to be a notable one for us and me. I am just commencing and feel that there will soon be ground under my feet. So I shall with the French celebrate and pray for advancement this New Year. I am sorry the car [strikethrough] t [strikethrough]fare is so large to Berlin or Bob and I would jingle. Glasses of cider, and bless our good father for his [liberality?]. But as it is we will have to think our thought and drink the national drinks alone - Bob sent me an Xmas card today.
My work last week was not so pleasing as usual- I started a Roman picture and enjoyed it at first
but I find it is more work than pleasure and will entail an amount of research that is appalling - I must go to the Louvre and find the design of marble seats and make drawings of the different way costumes are worn.
Last week in the cafe an old man came in selling clippers. He was a treasure as a model I thought, and the result is the old fellow is now posing for me. He thinks it easy work and I think he may turn model now. I know I shall make some good studies of him. He was a sailor speaks English a little and has seen the whole world. I am enjoying painting these small works, and you will I feel appreciate the results. 
Don't worry regarding my health. I am working harder than ever. Never felt better, and am learning each week some thing new. Love to all-
William Dec 23. 1907

[written on the right side of the letter]
I sent a box of chocolates to Miss Wells - Have not sent the Osgoods.

Transcription Notes:
-The writer spelled celebrate wrong on line 6, 4 words in (on transcription) -The writer misspelled Louvre (he spelled it Lourve)