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but leave the old dull color - a bright frame would spoil the work - Have this done place it in your office and then later send it to the Art Club - Be very hard on the framer if he brightens the tone of frame It must be dull bronze in color as Billie's is now and I think it possible to cut down Billie's frame so that only the corners need be retouched - If you feel that the frame eventually harms the work I'll send one over - The other canvases you have frames for - One the frame on that child in front of mirror - +c -
As the Robbins are so well known in Boston Society I am going to send the portrait of their boy over to the Art Club - You will have three strong works of mine for that exhibit this year -

I have sold most of my furniture -
The studio I take in London will not cost much more than here I am going to start wisely - and in a small way -
Dr. Robbins has bought a fine frame for the portrait -
I am glad to have ended my work here by producing something ahead of my Salon picture -
Love to all -
Friday 26 -