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The father is the master of a family of six. The oldest child is fifteen. She peddles slippers in Cafe's - The next is twelve, red haired and most charming in her general coloring, the next daughter is ten she was out when I got there but presently came running in - jumped on 'Willie' whom they called Grandpa. (I am [strike through] epea [strike through] referring to my old companion) and then with a rush made for me and kissed your Willie. 

It was an interesting afternoon.

While I write Billie the model, cook, and valet is putting on my old dress suit I am going to give him a dinner tonight at the café- 

We had a fine time last night, more real fun than I have had for a long time. The old man looked like a perfect Mr. Pipp made noted by Gibson. After he got dressed the Englishman Murray and I took him to a barbers. He was very dignified but when taking of his silk hat (mine which was stuffed with toilet paper to make it fit his very small head) he left a large bunch of the same paper on his bald pate. 

He would talk nothing but English which he thinks is very pure accent