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English men are more sincere, slow and gentle than the chaps at our club in Paris. There was a dignity about the whole place that is lacking in Paris. I met so many and have so many invitations to visit different chaps that I am pleasantly surprised and bewildered — They  were holding an exhibition of notes and sketches and I used all my tack in praising works here and there. Some of the members are over seventy and a number are on the different juries. Now here is what pleases me, they sent around today three members of a committtee to ask me to join the Club receiving its hospitality until the next vacancy. So you see that is what it is to be bald-headed among a group of hairy geniuses — Stevenson and Ashburner stayed later than I did, and evidently thru their kindness &c my stock went up. It is the custom every afternoon for the men to take tea at the club and afterward for two hours models are posed for those who wish to sketch - The Club is very rich in costumes. I am well - and thank you for your kindness - Am sending two paintings back to Paris for the Philadelphia jury. Shall send you three for the Art Club - And should like to have papers for the National Academy of design taken out for the Stallknecht portrait to be exposed at that spring exhibition  I have lost his address but wish you would