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29 April-
My dear Father-

I received your letter of Apr. 19th today. Shall be glad to meet Mr. Dallaway. I shall be pleased to make the trip home by the end of June as I have not heard from you about the article for the paper on Boston (England). I would carry that over with me and also another on Lynn (England) and Lazaravitch has suggested a fully illustrated article on crossing the Atlantic. They write a good deal and have looked over my papers on Boston and think it would be easily disposed of to some magazine or paper 

From now until the end of June one can tell whether I can assist myself enough to warrant staying here. 

My plan was to at least stay the summer out and if I found by September that things were absolutely underamusing I should pack up and go home - for I was going to be where I can relieve you of some of the burden of expense. Another year here and I could be in many more of the exhibitions, for I have already