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My dear Mother -
The enclosed letter was sent to me this morning with a fine volume of Shakspere's works, and an Italian grammar, by Mozomdar's friend Numaud Sen. He has been called home earlier than was expected. I shall miss him, he was an ornament to the dining table; altogether a noble man.
He could talk on any subject, and such men are seldom found. The letter of his, I send and wish you to keep it for me.
Today (4/12/1900) I started a picture of my old man, it is a small panel and as he is an Old Sculptor that is to be the title. The back-ground has an open fire-place to the left and cup board to the right. Works two hours then Londons cruel fog came, turned day into night.
Philip Hale's crib, made me grieve for his father. Some might say Philip is a manly man, but his articles [[strikethrough]l[[/strikethrough]] read like those of a narrow minded mans, one fully capable of filling the position he holds in the museum