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excel in Art—— They have become sluggish and heavy from eating and fighting—— and excessive drinking. Poetry, art (not the cheap sentimental brew) clever, and rapid thought, are seldom found in these slow people. It is not their fault it is the climate which is to blame. You are told they drink and eat to excess on account of the climate. I tell you then the 'Climate' (their damp but healthy weather) is what has blunted their imaginations. Their artists ideals all seem morbid, or full of a deplorable sentiment. I like to call it a beefy sentiment. The poets are affected in the same way, the fogs prevent them seeing beyond this low order of the Arts; into the bright fields of fresh ideas, smiling love, and joy but like the pig in his pen contented

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Xmas time they are a beastly uneasy lot. Having ravenous stomachs, filled with meat, cheese, and strong drinks. As a whole they have cold temperaments, are slow in every way, and at this time of year many members of the lower classes are brutally drunk. One cannot live here with out abundance of solid food; bad weather keeps the Englishman in doors, so he eats much, and drinks plentifully in order to be cheered, and keep the fog out.  Lately I have had a severe cold starting in my chest, and settling in my lungs, I am told that it is because I do not eat, and drink enough. I am not a gormand so therefore not English. I believe that for this one reason—— Overeating and Whiskey—— the English will never