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Mr. Norton +c. And shall hope to show them my picture of Old Jim + others
Jim has been drunk the last few days. It is his way of thanking God for all his blessings.

Miss Pritchard sent me today an article on Watts the artist, and a poem. I had forwarded a nice present previously. Two verses of the poem are very fine _______
The sun slept ore the world The light dreamed in the air
My spirit folding up her wings Forgot [[underlined]] her heavy [[/underlined]] care. 
and when about the west Day died in holy calm 
My heart of peace within me woke Meek murmurs of a psalm. 

broken hearted mother, "and We'd fight bleed and die for our Pen." At the end of these noble songs the ladies snif and whimper, and one feels it his duty (if sitting near the younger members of the fair sex), to hold their hands, and comfort them in every possible way And it is for that reason only, the feeling that you are a comfort to those around you that noble Willie enjoys these songs. 
The streets tonight are full of a swift, noisy, ordinary crowd. A disgrace they are to England and would be to any country ——————
When tho season of holidays are over I shall call again on Mr. Sargent, and [[strikethrough]] Mr. [[/strikethrough]] Alma Tadema.