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Arts for the Pan-American Exposition Buffalo has sent me an invitation to exhibit my most representative works - done here in London or America. Every thing shipped at the expositions expense. I shall send in a list of three works- Really living here one can become known sooner than at home. In Boston I never should have been invited to send. The exhibit will consist of works by American artists only. This afternoon am to be at the Chamberlains to arrange sittings, pose &c for next week- My health is good. Many people here expect the Queen to die, but I have a feeling she will hold on as grandfather has. The grippe is raging here. Landlady and one of the doctors are ill. Your letters are all delayed by the severe weather 

You will find the other two pictures at Fosters.

How is grandfather tell him I think out of all the names written on that combined Xmas wish, his was the clearest and best.

Give my regards to all friends. What has become of Billie? Send over some Independent clippings, some photo's of music room, Sargents reproductions, and more good new-

Yours with much love and longing to be with you-
