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March 17 1901 

[[strikethrough]] 7 Thurdsay or ? [[/strikethrough]]
17 Sunday

My dear Mother - 

Mr. Ford tell me an M.P. named Boyd has inquired after my prices for portraits. He is a member of the swell set Joe Chamberlain &c. A lady friend saw my late portrait. There may be an order coming. Had a fine time at the Chamberlains last Friday. [[interlineation note]] [[strikethrough]] 3/1 or [[/strikethrough]] 3/15 [[/interlineation note]] Called on Tadima He was out. Said a goodbye to Narton. Shall leave Tuesday for Paris. [[interlineation note]] 3/19 [[/interlineation note]] Went all over St. Pauls today; never liked the structure. Shall write immediately on arriving in Paris. Glad I am going. The Ford's farewell was one to be remembered. Ford has already sent to Buffalo papers notices regarding yours truly. I hope you are well at home. Please write me more about Helen Bess and your plans for the